One goal of this asset pack is to keep coding to a minimum. To achieve this, we have introduced the concept of Pipelines.
Pipelines are series of actions that are executed in a sequence, starting from the top - the very first item. Each action has its own parameters and typically uses the result of its previous action to compute its own result; but not always. This is particularly useful for calculations similar to when you code, except that you don't have to write any code unless you're missing an action with a specific behavior that is not already part of this asset pack.
For instance, pointers make use of a Transform Modification Pipeline. It's simply a series of actions that ultimately compute the final transform of the pointer; that is, where exactly it should point, which direction it should point towards, and how big the pointer should be.

In the image above, the first item in the pipeline is taking the bottom-left point of the target object (For instance it could be a button, or a mesh). Then pointing towards the local position of (0, 0, 0) relative to the transform of the target object. The result is the following: