Component: Highlighter

TutorialHighlighter is a component that allows you to highlight objects in the scene.

  • The highlighter accepts cubic bounds in the world or on-screen rects. Then handlers such as TutorialCanvasHighlightRect present the highlighted areas to the player.
  • A highlighter supports multiple highlighted areas at the same time. You can use the Highlight method to add new areas, and access the returned ITutorialHighlightHandle to manage the previously highlighted areas.
  • Raycasts and therefore pointer events can be optionally blocked in the non-highlighted areas using the Masking components. You can find the masking components in the Component menu.
  • You could define multiple different highlighting shapes with different animations and behaviors; and then indirectly associate them using Switch ID. Switch ID is simply a unique string identifier for different presentations of the areas. For instance, you could have a default rectangular area highlighter and a circular area highlighter with the switch ID "Circle" which then you can enter in a Highlight State Behavior component.

Even though in theory the highlighter supports multiple areas, whether it effectively supports more than a single area depends on the specific configuration of the highlighter GameObject and its hierarchy and components.