Game Logic Integration

TutorialMAX is designed to be extensible in almost every way. Here are some of the scenarios where you can integrate your game logic with TutorialMAX:


1. State Behavior

For example,

  • If you want to restart part of the game if a tutorial step fails,
  • If you want to give 100 coins if a step is finished successfully,
  • If you want to lock/unlock areas as the player goes through the tutorial,
You can create custom state behavior scripts that do exactly that. Take the coin reward as an example:

public class GiveCoinRewardStateBehavior : TutorialMax.TutorialStateBehaviorBase
	private CurrencyManager _currencyManager;

	public int Coins = 100;

	protected override void Activate()

	protected override void Deactivate()
You don't have to implement the Deactivate method. However, it's strongly recommended that you do so to make sure the state behavior is responsive to the status of the tutorial step properly and reliably.

2. Pass Condition

Imagine a scenario where you have a ScoreManager singleton that keeps track of player's score. You can test if a minimum score is reached and pass that step with a script like the following:

public class MinScoreCondition : TutorialMax.TutorialPassConditionBase
	public int TargetScore = 10;

	protected override void OnActivate()

	protected override void OnDeactivate()

	protected override bool TestPassing()
		return ScoreManager.Instance.Score >= TargetScore;